Field Trip Policy
The students will be invited to participate in three (3) events that do not take place on school grounds. In early October, we welcome all family members to meet us for a day of fun and learning while pumpkin picking, going on a hayride, and fun! In the spring, we venture out to a destination selected by our PTA for an annual field trip. The students will take buses to the location and when possible parents may join us on the bus on at the destination. Volunteer disclosure and safety forms must be completed to accompany the students on the bus. Finally, as the year winds down, we take a walk to Whispering Willows Park on Main St. and enjoy a field day of fun with PTA volunteers. Games, pizza lunch, and a visit from the Ice Cream Truck are highlights of this event. In addition, virtual field trips and guest speakers allow students to explore the world outside of the classroom while remaining on the school grounds.
Monthly Fire Drills & Emergency Evacuation Plans
In the event of an emergency evacuation from our building due to fire or localized concern, the children of our center will be relocated to the church across the street at 459 Main Street.In the event of an emergency evacuation from our building due to concerns at the Nuclear Plant, the children of our center will be relocated to Faith United Church of Christ, off Airport Beltway Across Beltway from Walmart and behind LCBC) 21 Faith Drive, Hazleton, PA 18202.
Monthly fire drills will be conducted the second week of every month. Dates and times, within that week, will vary slightly in an effort to ensure that all children will experience safety procedures at different times of the day.
Fire Drill Schedule 2024-2025
September 9th
October 9th
November 5th
December 5th
January 10th
February 5th
March 6th
April 4th
May 6th
*Welcome Routines*
In the past, families were encouraged to walk with their student to their classroom in the morning and say hello to the teachers. At this time, parents must say good-bye at the glass doors. This is dependent upon COVID-19 safety procedures and recommendations. We also want to encourage student independence and ask that each student be responsible for their personal belongings as developmentally appropriate. Please keep in mind as well, if a student is late to school, they miss the critical introduction to the day.
Early Learning Academy
Private Independent School
Family Handbook.
Absence Policy
Elementary – PA Dept of Education (PDE) has very strict truancy laws. Students may not miss more than 3 unexcused days. Days that are excused include illness, religious holidays, family emergency, medical & dental appointments, and educational travel with prior approval of the director. Written documentation must be submitted within two school days to be excused. If a student exceeds 3 unexcused absences, a Student Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) will be created with the family. If a student continues to miss school without adequate communication, a truancy petition must be filed with HASD & PDE.
Preschool - Due to ratio requirements mandated by the Department of Education, it is essential that we know when your child will be attending and when your child will not be attending. Tuition is charged on the weekly scheduled attendance.
Please notify Bright Beginnings via phone if your child is absent (570) 436-8748.
Withdrawal Policy
If, for any reason, a family decides to withdraw from Bright Beginnings Early Learning Academy, notification to the director one month in advance is required. Families are financially responsible for tuition costs during the notification period.
Snow Day Notifications
A school wide notification will go out via email, Facebook and Class DoJo in the event of a snow delay or cancellation. We will typically follow HASD closures. Occasionally, we are able to open school while they must close. This will be an excused absence if your student is unable to attend.
Enrichment Classes
In late September, we will publish the first 6-week schedule of weekly classes. Past classes include art, yoga, music, seasonal crafts, Lego engineering and gym games. Your feedback will help determine what classes we offer based on student interest! Classes run from 3:15-4:00 daily and a minimum of 5 students must sign up for the class to run.
Class DoJo
This free app is a wonderful tool for building relationships between home and school. You get a chance to see pictures of your kids and the class, as well as get notifications for big school events! Please talk with your classroom teacher and be sure to link to your class!
ProCare is the software system we use to track attendance and tuition. It allows families to check their balance and make payments online with a debit or credit card for a small fee. Families can go to to login using the email address on file to view their account.
Dress Code
We prefer students wear closed toe shoes and comfortable clothes that are okay to get a little messy. The rest is up to you! We will make every effort to go outside when weather allows, please dress accordingly. Labels in coats, hats and gloves are very helpful!
Library with Ms. Casey
Elementary students will participate in a scheduled library class each week with Ms. Casey. The class will consist of grade appropriate, seasonal stories with a focus on enhancing classroom content. Weekly assignments will be communicated through Class DoJo. Assignments will be graded and incorporated into report cards.
Gym Class
Elementary students will have a designated ‘Gym Day’ each week. Students must have appropriate gym shoes in order to participate. More information will be provided by your students classroom teacher.
Daily Routines
8:45 – Doors open – *Welcome Routines*
9:00 – Ready for Morning Circle/ Group Meeting
9:05 – Doors are closed – After 9:05, students are considered late.
> Between 10:00 & 11:00, depending on kids, grade levels, and activities all students will have a bathroom break and a morning snack. Families are encouraged to pack something their child prefers, but snacks such as graham crackers, pretzels, & goldfish crackers are always available.
12:00 – Preschool half-day student pick up/ Preschool bathroom & lunch
12:00 – Elementary Lunch
3:00 – Dismissal
3:15 – Enrichment Class Begins
4:00 – Enrichment Class Dismissal
Copyright 2013. Bright Beginnings Early Learning Academy. All rights reserved.